DMM Blinkie

About Me

I am a happily married woman living in South Texas, with my wonderful husband, he's the love of my life. I have 2 beautiful children that I am extremely proud of... 1 in college studying to be a math teacher and the other in high school. And of course, Harley and Kali (the dogs) round off our little family!

I've been creating for several years now in PSP. I make all sorts of things... blinkies, templates, masks, scrapkits, wordart, etc. I also run my school, PSP Party, the forum, PSP Party Central, the magazine, PSP Party E-Mag and the store, Artistically Inclined Licensing, with the help of some of my awesome friends.

We have over 200+ tutorials on the Party website and 40+ artists at the store for everyone to enjoy!!! So stop by anytime and be sure to check us out!!!

I CT For...

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Other Favorites



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Saturday, December 3, 2011


Yeap, it's official... we are now open!!!
Thanks to all the gals and guys that helped us get here!!!  We couldn't have done it without you!!!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

New Tutorials - Dragonfly Dreams, Give Thanks Goddess and Hello Kitty Blinkie

Click on each tag to take you to the tutorials!!!


Saturday, November 5, 2011

New Scrapkit - Neopalitan

Sami sent me this color palette MONTHS ago and my computer was being such a butt that I just couldn't do it without it crashing!  So, now I have my NEW computer and I thought I'd go ahead and give it a shot!!!  And here ya go!!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

New Tutorial - Party Animal


Friday, October 28, 2011

New Tutorial - All Attitude

Another new tut using Wendy Gerber's scrap kits and tubes!!!
This is a great kit too and you'd be crazy not to want it!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

New Tutorial - Amusement

This is using Wendy Gerber's Amusement kit!!!


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I got an AWARD!!! hehe


This award is for the Beautiful Women (and Men) who grace us with their talents in the Tagger Community.
The intent of this award is to pass it on to the Designer, Tagger, or Artist
who has inspired you with their endless talent and who has touched your heart.
There are many out there.

I received this award from Sami @ Guilty Pleasures Tuts n Tags
Check out her blog HERE

Let's see how far we can pass this on

I choose to pass this to:

and just because I miss her...

Artmama @ Artmama's Studio

 Once you have received this award,
Please pass it on to five blogs to show some love for those who truly are BEAUTIFUL.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

New Tutorial - Wonderland

Just click the tag to go to the tut...
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

New Tutorial - Smart

Just click on the tag to take you to the tut!

New Tutorial - Adorable

Just click on the tag to take you to the tut!!!
Monday, July 25, 2011

New Blog Layout!!!

Thanks to my dear Wendy Gerber, I have a new blog layout!!!
I made the background and header tag and she just put it altogether for me so I LOVE it!!!
Thank you girlie!  You are awesome!!!

Be sure to take a few to go check out her new store

Friday, June 17, 2011

New Tutorial - Easy Header 3

ok... this one I did for MPT... i saw this tube and i just loved her and had to do something with her...
so i came up with this...

just click on the tag to take you to the tut...

and yes the copyright is on there and is correct...
just damn blogger resizes everything smaller to make it fit better and it looks like it isn't there...


New AC Tutorial - Anything Goes

Just click on the tag to take you to the tut...
Monday, June 13, 2011

New Exclusive Tut

It took me a while to finally get off my butt and get this typed up...
The tags have been done for a while now... lol

If you'd like to have the Diva, Carmen, be sure to join ACDivas...

And if you'd like to have the one above (Myrenthia and Harley), then you'll need to join PSP Party Central!

Here's the link to the tut and as you can see from MY results, you can do so much with it!!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Another Award

(for some reason it won't let me upload the actual award right now... so i'll try again later!)

Thank you so much ♥Cheryl♥

The aim of the award is to  bring recognition to blogs with minimal followers. 
Since I have accepted the award I must pass it on to at least 3 other blogs (but not more than 5), 
that have inspired me and I feel deserve a bit more attention. 
The rules are to say thank you on my blog to the one who passed it on to me and link to their blog (see above). 
Pick the blogs to pass the award on to, leave a note on their blog and then list them with links to their blogs...
here are the blogs I choose:

Dragon's Art and Ramblings -

TeddyBear's Tags and Tuts -

An Award

This award is to acknowledge blogs that rock.
If you know a blog that rocks and want to give them this award
Then send them a message saying..."Your Blog Rocks".
Since I have accepted this award from Wendy Gerber Art,
I must pass it on to 5 other blogs that I think Rock.
There are no rules to this award.
Only to send it to 5 people you think deserve this award.
Make sure you leave them a message.
My 5 choices for this award are:
2. Sweet Southern Comfort Creations -
3. Tonya's Treasures Tutorials -
4. Willogemz Designz -
5. A Simply Sassy Creation -
Thursday, May 19, 2011

New Commission by The Hunter and Exclusive Scrapkit - Myrenthia

This is my newest scrapkit for my forum PPC!!!
It goes with my awesome new commission I had done for my birthday by The Hunter!!!

If you'd like to get either of these,
then please feel free to come join us at PPC!!!
We would LOVE to have you!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

A New Scrapkit... Lucianna's Midnight Dream

Thanks to Lucianna for the color palette (sorry it took so long to finally make it) and thanks to Karen for helping me name it!!!

I hope you all like it and be sure to send me lots of taggies using it!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New Exclusive Commission Tutorial

I have to thank Arthur Crowe for this AWESOME tube again!!!
Thanks so much, she's gorgeous!!!

Just click the tag to take you to the tut...

New Tutorial - Bad VS Good

Just click the tag to take you to the tut...

Monday, May 2, 2011

New Commission by Arthur Crowe

Thanks to Anni,
one of our new CT members for this awesome tag using our new commission tube and scrapkit!!!

If you'd like to have this tube and kit, please feel free to join our forum!!!

New Exclusive Scrapkit - Morgandy

New scrapkit to go with our next commission that I'll be announcing soon too!!!

So, come join us at PPC and let's have some fun!!!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

New Commission by Arthur Crowe

Well I think that Arthur Crowe is now officially in the top 3 of my favorite artists!!!
I absolutely LOVE this one he did for us over at PPC!!!

Thanks so much Arthur!!!

And if you'd like to have this amazing tube (and any of our other awesome exclusives) just come by PSP Party Central and join!!!  Have some fun with us!!!
Sunday, April 24, 2011

New Exclusive Scrapkit - Mindy Mae

This is a MEMBERS ONLY scrapkit for PPC, so be sure to join us at the forum link below...


New Scrapkit for the LM Commission

Well, it only took FOREVER to finally finish... but here it is!
I hope you all like it!!!

This is a MEMBERS ONLY scrapkit for PPC, so be sure to join us at the forum link below...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

New PPC Exclusive Commission by Wendy Gerber and New Tutorial

Tiffany got this KICK ASS tube done by Wendy Gerber and we've kinda been sitting on it for a little while,
but I can't stand it anymore... so here she is!!!

Thanks so much Tiffany and Wendy!  She's great and the members are gonna LOVE her!!!

We've also got a tutorial for this tag up HERE...
so be sure to check it out!!!

New Tutorial - Wanna Pet My Bunny?

This tag is using one of our Exclusive scrapkits for the PSP Party Central forum...
but any kit will work just as well!

Just click the tag to take you to the tut...

New Tutorial - Go Fuck Yourself

Just click on the tag to take you to the tut...

New PTU Tutorial - Love Whispers

Just click on the tag to take you to the tut...

New PTU Tutorial - Faery Elegance

Just click the tag to take you to the tut...
Saturday, April 2, 2011

PSP Party Central Exclusive Tutorial 3

Just click the tag to go to the tut...

Thanks to Lady Mishka and Jess for this wonderful tube!!!
I LOVE the colors and she is just beautiful!
You gals are AWESOME!!!
Friday, April 1, 2011

New AC Tutorial - Hot Stuff

Just click the tag to go to the tut...

New AC Tutorial - Splat!

Just click the tag to go to the tut...

Friday, March 18, 2011

New Easter Template for Tagger's Den

I made this one for a little challenge in Tagger's Den!

Oh the link for this one is over on the right and it's template 30!
Thursday, March 17, 2011

PSP Party Central Exclusive Tutorial 2

And here's our second exclusive tube by Susan Justice!!!
She's a beauty for sure!

Be sure to come join the forum for some fun and great friends!!!

PSP Party Central Exclusive Tutorial

Well we finally got the tut done up for our first exclusive tube!!!

Be sure to come join us at the forum for some fun!!!

New PTU Tutorial - Haterz

Just click on the tag to take you to the tut!!!
Saturday, March 5, 2011

New PTU Tutorial - Muted Love

just click on the tag to take you to the tut...

New PTU Tutorial - Kinky Valentine

Just click on the tag to take you to the tut...

New PTU Tutorial - I Dream

Just click on the tag to take you to the tut...

New PTU Tutorial - Dragon Love

Just click on the tag to take you to the tut...
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Couple More Teasers... hehe

this one is using I Dream of La La scrapkit by Wicked Princess Scraps... hehe
and the next one is using Muted Love also by Wicked Princess Scraps...

Don't worry, I have a few more teasers to work on and then I'll get them all typed up and uploaded soon!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Another Teaser Tag for another PTU Tut

Another tut in the works... this one the scrapkit is by Purple's Kits and it's called Darkness Comes and again, another kick ass tube by Keith Garvey!!!.
Monday, February 21, 2011

Teaser Tag for my next PTU Tut

I haven't tut'd this one YET, but it'll be up on the site in a few days!!!

Awesome scrapkit Kinky Valentine by Broken Dreamz Scrapz and of course, kick ass pinup art by Keith Garvey!!!
Saturday, February 19, 2011

New PTU Tutorial - Comfy Coffeehouse

Just click the tag to take you to the tut...

Thank you

for joining us for our 7 days of freebies blog train!!!

This was my first one ever and it was a lot of fun!!!
Thanks to Shani for talking me into it!!!

I'm working on a bunch of projects at the moment...
a few of which will be some freebie scrapkits that I'll be posting here for everyone,
I'm also working on some tutorials AND
I'm hoping to get some more masks, templates and word art out for you too!

So come by every once in a while, say hi, snag and I'll see ya around!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

7 Days of Freebies - Day 7

Just click on the preview below and it will take it to the download...
Don't forget to stop by the other stops on the train!
There will be various freebies, whether it be snags, cluster frames, quick pages or other goodies!
Please remember that we all live in different time zones so if you don't see someone's post,
stop by later in the day.
Don't forget to stop by each day!

Wicked Princess Scraps

Butterfly Kayla Designs
Mindy Mae - ** YOU ARE HERE **

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