DMM Blinkie

About Me

I am a happily married woman living in South Texas, with my wonderful husband, he's the love of my life. I have 2 beautiful children that I am extremely proud of... 1 in college studying to be a math teacher and the other in high school. And of course, Harley and Kali (the dogs) round off our little family!

I've been creating for several years now in PSP. I make all sorts of things... blinkies, templates, masks, scrapkits, wordart, etc. I also run my school, PSP Party, the forum, PSP Party Central, the magazine, PSP Party E-Mag and the store, Artistically Inclined Licensing, with the help of some of my awesome friends.

We have over 200+ tutorials on the Party website and 40+ artists at the store for everyone to enjoy!!! So stop by anytime and be sure to check us out!!!

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Design Name Challenge

I've been using "Designs by Mindy Mae" since I started doing PSP...
and I've always hated it!!! So generic and blah!!!

I have finally decided that the time has come to change my design name,
but I need help!!!

I just can't seem to come up with something I like enough to use!!!

So I'm taking suggestions!!!

For those that don't know me all that well just yet,
here are some things to keep in mind while thinking of names...

I like risque/naughty tags... the naughtier, the better *WEG*
I am a photographer, mostly nature at the moment...
My nicknames are Mindy, Mindy Mae or Myss Bytch
(depending on my mood for Myss Bytch... lol)
I own a teaching/learning group for PSP called PSP Party
I own a women's group called Divine Divas
(though I don't use it much anymore but is how I got started in PSP)

and I can't really think of anything else at the moment, but I will edit this as needed.

Some of my favorite design names that I've seen around lately...

Sinfully Sweet Creations
Creative Misfits
Addictive Pleasures

If you are willing and able, please email me your suggestions...
Please put in the subject: New Design Name

For those participating that don't know me that well...
Please feel free to ask any questions that you like... I will answer them!!!

Oh and once I've decided on the name I like best, I will have a nice little surprise for the person that suggested it!!! It won't be anything extravagant, but I wanna show my appreciation somehow!!!

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