DMM Blinkie

About Me

I am a happily married woman living in South Texas, with my wonderful husband, he's the love of my life. I have 2 beautiful children that I am extremely proud of... 1 in college studying to be a math teacher and the other in high school. And of course, Harley and Kali (the dogs) round off our little family!

I've been creating for several years now in PSP. I make all sorts of things... blinkies, templates, masks, scrapkits, wordart, etc. I also run my school, PSP Party, the forum, PSP Party Central, the magazine, PSP Party E-Mag and the store, Artistically Inclined Licensing, with the help of some of my awesome friends.

We have over 200+ tutorials on the Party website and 40+ artists at the store for everyone to enjoy!!! So stop by anytime and be sure to check us out!!!

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Thursday, March 26, 2009


I was talking to Trish and Shay tonight about maybe selling some of my photography for all you psp'ers out there like us to have some nice nature backgrounds to use in your creations... but I'm just not sure if my stuff is really all that good and if anyone would even buy any of it.

Anyway, I thought I'd put a couple of examples of my stuff on here and see what you all think I should do... I'm going to put the original and some that I've enhanced so you can see what I'm thinking about doing.

Make sure to leave your comments so I know what you think... Thanks in advance!!!

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