DMM Blinkie

About Me

I am a happily married woman living in South Texas, with my wonderful husband, he's the love of my life. I have 2 beautiful children that I am extremely proud of... 1 in college studying to be a math teacher and the other in high school. And of course, Harley and Kali (the dogs) round off our little family!

I've been creating for several years now in PSP. I make all sorts of things... blinkies, templates, masks, scrapkits, wordart, etc. I also run my school, PSP Party, the forum, PSP Party Central, the magazine, PSP Party E-Mag and the store, Artistically Inclined Licensing, with the help of some of my awesome friends.

We have over 200+ tutorials on the Party website and 40+ artists at the store for everyone to enjoy!!! So stop by anytime and be sure to check us out!!!

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

New Blog Layout

I just have to say thank you to my good friend Opal for the new blog layout!!!

She did an awesome job and I love it!!!

Thank you sweetie!!!

More Stalker Templates

I made a few more templates for another challenge in XeracX Stalkers and thought I would share them...

Please feel free use them for your tutorials but link here to download them and if you can mention that they were made for the Stalkers forum, that would be awesome!!!

The set's preview is above and you can get it below!!!

Download here
Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I made a few templates for a challenge in XeracX Stalkers and thought I would share them...

Please feel free use them for your tutorials but link here to download them and if you can mention that they were made for the Stalkers forum, that would be awesome!!!

The first set's preview is above and you can get it here!!!

Download here
Thursday, March 26, 2009


I was talking to Trish and Shay tonight about maybe selling some of my photography for all you psp'ers out there like us to have some nice nature backgrounds to use in your creations... but I'm just not sure if my stuff is really all that good and if anyone would even buy any of it.

Anyway, I thought I'd put a couple of examples of my stuff on here and see what you all think I should do... I'm going to put the original and some that I've enhanced so you can see what I'm thinking about doing.

Make sure to leave your comments so I know what you think... Thanks in advance!!!
Friday, March 20, 2009

Another cool tutorial...

I've been working on some of the Party stuff and I did one of the class tuts today because I wanted to change the main tag... I like this way this one turned out!!!

Thanks to Miss Trish of Dreamland Designs for this wonderful tutorial!!!


Getting Caught Up...

I spent the whole day yesterday working on the Party website... it's coming along so great!!!

I've had a lot of inspiration the last week or so and I managed to write 4 more tutorials yesterday... One was a total redo of a tutorial already on the site, but I just really hated it and wanted something new up there.

I'm still working on the holiday section too... seeing that Garvey made that awesome bunny, I may just have to go buy her and do my own Easter tutorial... lol

I want to have at least one tutorial per holiday... still need to do Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day and Thanksgiving. I'm hoping to get some inspiration on all these soon, cuz I want a nice fat Holiday section to match the great Class section we got working!
Monday, March 16, 2009


Well I haven't been posting much here because I've been writing tutorials for PSP Party. I thought I had lost my mojo there for a while cuz I was only doing tutorials from other sites and then WHAM!!! One morning I woke up with ideas and I've written like 6 tutorials in the last 3 or 4 days... lol

If you'd like to check them out, go to PSP Party and you can see all the ones I've done recently...

A couple of them are still being coded and aren't quite on the website yet, but they will be shortly... so ENJOY!!!
Sunday, March 8, 2009

Another cool tutorial...

I was bored so I found this cute tut to do Of course, I didn't do it EXACTLY like she did, but it still turned out pretty cute!!!
here it is...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Another cool tutorial...

I was piddling around earlier and happened across this cute little tut... I love the way it turned out!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cool Tut by Sky Scraps

Gabby was working on a tutorial tonight and we joined up forces to do it together. Our versions came out totally different but it was still a lot of fun!!!

If you'd like to try it out, then the link is below...

Another award for me...

The rules for the award are:

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.

2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great attitude and/or gratitude!

3. Link to your nominees within your post.

4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blogs.

Share the love and link to this post with the person from whom you received your award.

Again all my friends have already gotten these same awards, so thank you Trish for another award and I hope the someday I'll actually know enough people that I can pass these on too!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Another award for me...

The Premio Dardos award acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in their effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values every day.

The rules are:

1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person that has granted the award and his or her blog link.

2) Pass the award to other 15 blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgment.

Remember to contact each of them to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

And here we go again... I so hate being a party pooper... but the few people I would give this too have already received it...

Another award...

I received this award from Trish at Dreamland Designs. Go check her and her awesome work out, you'll be glad you did.

This seal is being given to the blogs which are very charming, these bloggers aims are to find friends not self promotion. The hope of this award is that, even when the links are cut, even more friendships are proporgated.

Give this award to eight blogs, who in turn must pass it onto eight more...

Sometimes I really hate these things... lol... cuz I have no one to pass them on too!!!
Monday, February 16, 2009

PSP Party Blog

i finally broke down and decided to give PSP Party it's own blog!!!

for now we are going to use it to make announcements and show off students work... but i'm sure we'll do more than that before long...

come on and join our party!!! it's a lot of fun!!!
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Another award for me...

Thank you to Gabby n Red at Heavenly Designs x2 and Trish at Dreamland Designs for this award. I am truly blessed to have these great and talented friends!!!

I would love to pass this one on too but so far, I'm getting these from the only people that I would be able to pass them on to... lol

Photo Challenge

This is the challenge instructions:

Go to your photo folder in your computer.
Go to the 6th folder of the photos.
Go to the sixth picture.
Put the picture on your blog and description of it.
Invite six friends to join the challenge.
Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged.

Alright, this picture is one of my kids last summer while they were in Houston with their grandparents. (My mom gets a picture of all her grandkids at least once a year... lol)

My son was 15 and my daughter was 13. My kids are my life, my inspiration and they are what keeps me going when life makes me just want to throw in the towel. They each have their own trials and talents, but they keep on trucking every day despite the things that life keeps throwing at them... I couldn't have ever wished for better kids!!!

Oh and I'm not challenging anyone with this... mostly just because, the only people I knew here that I could have, well... they've already done this challenge or passed it on to me... lol
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Another version of Can You Keep a Secret?

Can ya tell I been in a weird mood lately???

I decided I liked this scrap kit too and that I just had to do my own little thing for it... lol

I have a real bad tendency to do a tutorial the way that they do it almost exactly and then I like to go back and do it with my own little twists and variations... you'd be surprised what you come up with sometimes... lol

Friday, February 13, 2009

Another cool tutorial by Shaz Designs...

I was feeling a little evil tonight and when I did this tutorial... well... you see what I came up with... lmao

Another new tutorial by me...

Well, I managed to get another tutorial written tonight... so that's 2 for me today!!!

For those that don't remember the Kiss My Ass tag I did a few weeks ago... I posted it above this again as a reminder... lol... I've been telling myself this whole time that I was going to write it up and I finally got it done... it's even uploaded to the class section of the Party website and everything!!!

Anyway, if you'd like to check it out, and look for the class section!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A new tutorial by me...

I made this for MPT's Valentine Contest and even though I didn't win, I love the way it turned out... and I liked it enough that I made it into a class tutorial for Party...

If you'd like to try it out, you'll find it in the class section of the website... just click the link below...

Tutorial Thursday Challenge

I'm really loving the tuts here, but I wish that more of them were FTU... lol

Monday, February 9, 2009

Lollipop Love

I did this cute little tut last night and even though I threw my own little twists into it, I think it turned out pretty cute. Thanks to my friend Gabby for the tube!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A little something I made last night...

i was looking through some of my old files and found this cute tag made by one of Party's students last year and i thought i would make one similar to it for my desktop...

hers (the purple one on top) was so much better but i like mine too!!!

thanks again Melody!!!
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tut Thursday Challenge Result

Not my best work, but I still like it... lol
Friday, January 30, 2009

A new layout

Thanks to my dear friend Gabby at Heavenly Designs... she was feeling sorry for me last night and made me this beautiful new layout for my blog!!! Of course, then today she had to talk me through how to get the damn thing on the blog cuz I guess I was having too many blonde, senior moments to figure it out myself... lol

Thank you Gabby... I love it!!!

And thank you to my other dear friend Trish from Dreamland Designs for the layout I had before... she knows all about the Diva in me and I totally loved that layout too!!!

It's great to have wonderful and talented friends like these two women... if only everyone could be so lucky!!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A few new tags...

I was feeling a little creative today and came up with a couple things... the first was just a tut that I wrote a year or so ago for Valentine's Day using a mask that was sent through PSP Party as a challenge. It's not the world's greatest tut, but it's cute...

The second one I was just using a scrapkit from Bluedream Designs... she's got some really nice kits there and I look forward to using more of them!!! I used nothing but her scrapkit and a tube of one of my favorite artists from MPT!!!

Cool Tut by Shaz Designs

These are my results of this great tut... and a couple more of my entries into the PSP Party Valentine's Contest!!!

It was a lot of fun and there's plenty of different ways to go using the kit for it!!! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Award from Trish

I'm not real big into passing these things around so I'm just going to say thank you and let it stop there...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Another challenge done...

Was thinking that I might make this one into a tutorial for the class section of PSP Party, but I haven't quite decided yet...
Friday, January 9, 2009

More challenges...

Getting Caught Up...

These are a few of the old mask challenges that I did a while back trying to get caught up in group... one of them was kinda Christmas related but I still liked them anyway and wanted to share!!!

The Goddess one I will offer out someday but for now I'm too busy with students to have time to do it... maybe one day I'll actually get around to being able to work on stuff for my Always List again!!!

In the meantime, I hope everyone is well and I'll post more of my results for the old challenges in the next few days!!!

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